How to handle your family on Thanksgiving

Thanksgiving is coming, brace yourselves. That means awkward conversations about personal matters in your life, cringing at racially/sexually inappropriate jokes your uncle makes and worst of all... political conversations. Take it from me being a journalist, these conversations are the worst, especially in today's climate. However, they aren't ever going to go away - unless you fake your death through an elaborate hot air balloon accident and go into hiding. For those of you that aren't that bold to move your entire life to avoid these conversations, here are some things you can do to make Thanksgiving dinner a little less sucky. 1) Get a good beer/wine armor going Right out of the gate, drink. I am not saying that you need to get shit faced. In fact, getting wasted at a family event like this is possibly the worst idea you can have. That being said, getting a good buzz and developing an armor of fuzziness can't hurt you either. The alcohol will warm ...